Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Trenches


4 April 1915

Dear Mum

I'm writing to you to tell you how my journey in the war has been .I'm missing you all so much and dying to come home.

Over in this revolting place called Gallipoli  i'm having the most dreadful time of my life.All I ever see is blood oozing out of my mates.Explosions  and booms. But in the sky is A hole other level pale skies. Flames like no other .Mushroom clouds of fire raging fire. Booms come down on us all the time. Fluorescent flashers of fire and when that fluorescent flash of fire comes that is the only flash of light we get in a long time.

When it is time to fight all I can hear is deafening tears. Sounds of people shrieking in pain and ear splitting gun shots. And at night I hear enormous explosions. Eruptions like no other. With grenades coming at us every minute I can hear burning crackling fire and the men giving orders. But the thing that makes me calm at night is the sound of the waves crashing on the sandy pebbly beach.

I don't even know why I am risking my life I feel forced in to this war. I don't know why I even singed up for this war. I'm getting sicker by the minute and if I don't get better I will have to be sent home and I really don't want to go home now even though I'm not liking this one little bit. I'm hungry and cold and I have seen things no one could even dream of. I'm missing you all so much and I will hope to see you once more if not good by.

love Bob 

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